Effective noncontact sensing

True ground speed:

  • Speed Wedge MKII - true-ground speed radar
  • OptoSpeed - optical true-ground low speed, X & Y direction
  • AccoSat - true-ground speed DGPS + accelero­meter fusion


  • SprayMon - integrated radar system assessing and monitoring spray quality for OEM and retrofit
  • SeedMon - integrated radar system monitoring particulate material flow/blockage e.g. for fert & seed.

Material flow:

  • SprayRay - spray quality detection deploying radar
  • SeeDector - radar for liquid and particulate material flow in ductwork
  • Axmat - distribution and flow of "free" thrown particulate material

Distance measurement:


True-ground speed measurement

Speed Wedge MKII speed sensor

MSO Speed Wedge MKII speed sensor

Contactless doppler radar based slip- and slide-free speed measurement & motion & direction of movement detector for application on vehicles, conveyor belts, material flow e.g. water in chutes.
More about Speed Wedge MKII

AccoSat Speed Sensor

MSO AccoSat speed sensor

For precise speed measurement of vehicles e.g. in off-highway applications - without the need to calibrate - we do offer the MSO AccoSat speed sensor.
AccoSat combines a 3D accelerometer with a DGPS receiver with high sensitivity delivering true ground speed measure­ment for outdoor, off-highway applications.
More about AccoSat


Optic Sensor OptoSpeed

OptoSpeed provides for optical noncontact measure­ment of low speed for industrial applications e.g. forklifts, automated guided vehicles AGVs.

Delivers speed in both forward & perpen­dicular direction.

More about OptoSpeed


Monitoring spraying

SprayMon: spray quality monitoring

SprayMon display and SprayRay sensors

The SprayMon system integrates the SprayRay sensors monitoring the quality of the spray of the nozzles of a sprayer. SprayMon alarms the operator when a configurable level of deviation of the spray quality occurs.

More about SprayMon

Monitoring seeding & fertilizing

SeedMon: blockage monitor system

SeedMon Blockage monitor

The SeedMon blockage monitor provides for monitoring of material flows in hoses/pipes/tubes while seeding and application of mineral and liquid fertilizer e.g. slurry. The SeedMon system consists of MSO SeeDector sensors, main hubs and a head unit (MSO on-board computer, alternatively an ECU of an OEM). A blockage is detected in an early stage of building up if and when the material flow through­put drops underneath a threshold percen­tage set on the head unit by the operator.

The software of the MSO SeedMon head unit (on-board computer) is tailored for easy to be operated uncluttered blockage monitoring and detection.
More about SeedMon


Material flow measurement

SprayRay: spray measurement

MSO SprayRay sensor next to nozzle

The SprayRay sensor measures the radar signature of a spray thus enabling characteri­zation and assess­ment of spray quality in the application in real-time.

More about SprayRay

SeeDector: material flow measurement in ductwork

MSO SeeDector material flow measurement

SeeDector enables real-time measure­ment of amount and speed of a material flow conveyed through plastic pipes or tubes on e.g. pneumatic seed drills or applicators for mineral fertilizer or liquids e.g. slurry. SeeDector deploys a novel measure­ment technique based on Doppler micro­wave radar measuring material flow in move­ment.

The sensor is directly clamped onto a plastic pipe/tube with a steel sheet bracket (wide range of diameters available) without alteration of the existing design - no cutting, nothing built into, no alteration, no disturbance of the flow.

More about SeeDector

Axmat: free flow measurement

Axmat Sensors with thrown fertilizer

The Radar Sensor System from MSO GmbH is the core measure­ment component of the Rauch Axmat System for measure­ment and control of the lateral distribution of disc spreaders. The sensor system measures the amount of material and its lateral distribution over the "launch zone" as it is thrown from the rotating disc.

The Rauch Axmat system adjusts the lateral distribution accordingly by adjusting the delivery point of the material flow onto the disc.

The lateral distribution of the material is thus optimized on the go. The Rauch Axmat swivel arm system has been further developed to the Rauch Axmat with two radar sensor arrays each with 27 radar sensors mounted on ring segments.

More about Axmat


Distance measurement

RaDist P60: Radar distance sensor

MSO RaDist distance sensor

60 GHz pulse radar for close range distance measurement with update rate up to 100 Hz and high resolution.
More about RaDist P60

OptoDist Sensor

OptoDist laser distance measurement

The MSO OptoDist is a close-up range ToF (time of flight) laser distance sensor with high sampling rate for industrial in-door applications.

More about OptoDist